Saturday, 30 November 2013

Look up.

4.40pm. Clean my brushes. Empty the jar of water. Put away the watercolours and wipe the palette clean. For a listening appointment. Two robins and a few blackbirds. According to the clock, the daily appointment is not the same every evening, it depends on the light and when it begins to depart to let the night come early. Every evening it is a treat, to eavesdrop on their bird gossip. And to have it accompanied by a burning sky as it was last week.

Blazing end-of-November dusks. Goodbye to the second last month of the year! December is on the doorstep!


  1. Wow, a really fiery sky! Blackbirds AND robins; two of the most lyrical - and, at this time of year, beautifully melancholy - songsters. What a treat!
