Friday, 30 January 2015

Paint the sky

End-of-January-evenings are painting the skies with  pink and orange sunsets. And end-of-January-evenings' light is touching further into my room and longer into the days. Birds going delirious every evening this week between 4.30-5pm, making my last half hour of the day painting go very happily.  Their sounds seeming to touch simultaneously on both old memories and future hopes of Spring. How is it that every year Spring feels both old and new?

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Early Birds and Night Owls

 Early birds

Night owls

Are you an early bird or a night owl?
Me? I am trying to be an early bird these days;)

For the early birds, some early blooming flowers (the purple-pink Morning Glory) and the chirps of robin, wren and blackbird - usually the first to sing. Also a cup of morning tea to revive and why not some candlelight for the quiet time.

For the night owls, some flowers that begin to bloom in the evening (Four o'clocks, Evening Primrose and Moon Flower), the presence of candlelight. Hot chocolate with marshmallow helps too.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

2015, the gate is open.

You have been here a week already with us 2015. Seven days so far and no two the same; one day windy and stormy, next day clear and bright. 358 more days, to smile, to paint, to enjoy cups of tea, to be kind, to take time. To open gates and see where they will lead.