Friday, 10 April 2015

There is great drying out

This weather this week. Mornings of blue skies and sunshine and early walks, hanging clothes out to dry - fresh breezes no rain. Evening walks also with the lengthening days, busy birds, robins hopping a bit closer each day, bringing the washing in, carrying scents of sun and wind.

Top photo: Lace made by hand by Belle Fleur de Lis 
So delicate and beautiful, many many stitches like lots of little brush strokes. Thank you L!


  1. So, so beautiful! Change the robins to cardinals and our days sound about the same!
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you Tracey, what's that old saying about the personal being universal ;)
      (I had to look up what cardinals were...what an exotic looking bird!)

  2. This is such a lovely painting and I love how you describe the days where you are - you paint a pretty "mind's eye" picture too.

    p.s. My beautiful Night Owls print arrived this week! I am excited to frame it and show it off in my home :)

    1. Thank you so much Leigh!!
      Glad the Owls made it all the way to Canada!!:)

  3. the expression with the use in your words is lovely with your illustration. i feel really happy to see my little work next to your work..this makes me smile, my day is complete ❊
